Here’s some guidance for getting back to the office.
Getting ready to reopen your agency after the coronavirus lockdowns? Here are a few things to consider before getting started.
First and foremost, the health and well-being of you and your employees should be your #1 priority. Recognize the effect of the pandemic will impact people differently. Provide the additional support, flexibility and communication needed to keep your employees healthy and comfortable.
Keep your lines of communication open, not just with your employees, but with your clients too. Provide detailed, actionable information that will be useful to customers right now. Inform them of any new policies or changes in business operations that may affect them. Express your agency’s collective support and let them know you are available to assist however you can.
Help reduce the spread of the virus by encouraging face coverings and frequent hand washing, as well as promoting a 6-foot social distance among your employees and clients. Consider conducting daily health checks, such as temperature screening, before employees enter the building. And phasing in or staggering work shifts will reduce the number of employees in the office at any given time. The key is to train and educate your staff and clients, so they know what to do to keep themselves and each other healthy and safe.
Maintain your healthy work environment by deep cleaning your facilities prior to reopening and then disinfect workstations and high-traffic areas regularly.
Be sure to monitor federal, state, and local public health communications about COVID-19 so you are armed with the most up-to-date information available on the pandemic as well as current guidelines.
Know we are here to help, every step of the way. To learn more about reopening your agency after the coronavirus lockdowns, check out the COVID-19 resources page on SIAA4U.
Stay healthy. Stay safe.