Making Small Changes Today Can Transform Your Business in the Years Ahead

There are a lot of discussions about what independent insurance agencies may look like technologically in the next five years. Independent agents need to take steps to evolve their digital footprint today to remain relevant in the future, according to panelists at the SAN Group’s annual business meeting.

The phrase “digital agency” means different things to different people. For some, it centers on social media, websites or agency management systems, while for others it revolves around tracing key performance indicators (KPI) or communicating with customers. The fact is, truly digital agencies encompass all of those factors, and agency principals and other insurance professionals need to understand what each of these things are and how to implement them in their agency, noted Matt Masiello, president and CEO of the SAN Group.

Read the full article published May 17, 2019 in The Standard. Reprinted with permission from The Standard, Copyright 2019, Standard Publishing Corporation, Boston, MA. All rights reserved.